Website Content Crucial for your Business Growth

WEBSITE CONTENT IS IMPORTANT FOR SEO It is not about ‘get the traffic’ – it’s about ‘get the targeted and relevant traffic’ - Adam Audette The goal of SEO is not to rank #1, it’s to generate leads and sales. This means that your SEO strategy should start with building the right kind of content in your website and using the right keywords which can eventually drive conversions for your business. Website content is any form of media that drives traffic to your business. It can come in the form of blog posts, infographics, videos, quizzes – basically any informative piece that you can put online. Search Engine Optimization thrives on fresh new content. When you create your website, it starts selling like hot cakes! The reason being – you are putting out something new in the Internet. Your website starts reaching out to the audience and gets higher engagements. This is turn drives traffic and generates high ROI. Fresh new websi...