Digital Marketing Upgrades every business needs post Covid-19 .

It is safe to say that the year 2020 has been earmarked and will go down in history. It had ushered in a new era and 2021 will definitely not revert back to the old normal. It bears the scars of the pandemic we all suffered.

However, as the saying goes every moon has a silver lining, regardless of how dark the moon is. Covid-19 has brought in major and much-needed lifestyle and technology changes. It has drastically changed the perspective of the marketers, businessmen, entrepreneurs as well as the consumers. The market is no longer the same. The dynamics have taken a whopping 360 degree turn. Are you ready to adapt and survive?

The new mantra is “You don’t exist if you are not online”. The catchphrases are Digital and Online. Traditional Marketing is receding in the background while Digital Marketing is now growing exponentially! Marketers and businessmen are frantically trying to keep up with the new gen trend and astoundingly many are failing due to lack of resources, efficient strategies and most importantly proper guidance. Studies suggest that an around 59% of small-scale business will no longer survive in the current scenario. This is greatly disturbing! 

However, Krafty Mindz is your raft while you are swimming in these dangerous waters. To keep afloat, it is very important that you take your business online. But it doesn’t end here. You will need some carefully drafted digital Marketing upgrades that can not only help you survive but also scale your brands to levels unknown!

Let’s take a look at some of them: 

1. Make your Brand rank #1 in the Search Engine – In any search engine page 1 is all that matters. Anything after that is a dead zone. You need to take your business online and make it a known face. This can be done with proper SEO and content Marketing. Increase the reach by knowing and expanding your customer segment. Develop your website and market it all over the Internet. Watch your company grow like never before! 

2. Give the Customers exactly what they want – You need to hold on to the 4C’s: Content, Commerce, Community and Convenience. This will enhance your decision-making skills and drive your customers towards your brand. Your customers now want personalized services that exactly fits their expectations. And to do this, you need more data and intelligence mixed with your old experiences. 

 3. Keep your audience hooked – In this hard-core competitive market, never miss a chance on letting a customer slip through your fingers. Keep them hooked and engaged to your brand. You can do this by offering loyalty schemes, referral points, discounts and much more. In the current market scenario, giving freebies and cashbacks will definitely help you grab eyeballs! 

4. Alternative payment options – Do not restrict your customers in terms of payment. Give them as many options and alternatives as you can. You can also affiliate yourself with a payment gateway and let your consumers be surprised with benefits when they avail that particular option. Once a potential client visits your website, do all you can to ensure they do not leave without asking for your service!

 Chaos is a Ladder. Use the current scenario and turn the odds in your favor.
Still confused? Connect with us and we will make your business soar heights !


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